Another good time and fun show is planned for all vendors and guests again this year. We will have operating layouts, model trains and accessories for your basement empire or your tabletop setup. This show is for everyone. Below is the info relating to the show. If you would like to reserve a booth. Please Contact us. Don’t forget to mark your calenders for this fun day.
Here is a view during the setup of last years show.
The American Passenger Rail Heritage Foundation is proud to host the 6th Annual Silver Rails Model Train Show on Saturday, October 17, 2015 from 9 am to 3 pm at the Silver Rails Event Center in La Plata, MO.
There will be operating train layouts and model trains/railroad memorabilia for sale.
Vendor space is available for $20.00 a table.
Entry fee is $2.00 per person. Children 5 and under are free with an adult.
All proceeds will go towards the rebuild of the APRHF’s Model Ambassador Layout.
Breakfast and Lunch will be available on site.
Breakfast will include baked goods from the local Amish bakery.
Lunch will be Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, and Chili/Soup.
For more information please contact Bob Cox at 660-287-1714 or by email
Set up times will be Friday night 6 pm to 10 pm and Saturday morning 7 am to 8:30 am.
The Silver Rails Event Center is located at 204 E. Moore Street in La Plata, Missouri.
The American Passenger Rail Heritage Foundation is a 501c-3 Non-Profit organization that is headquartered in La Plata, MO. We are dedicated to the preservation of passenger rail history. For more information or to start your own chapter, please visit our websites.
Below is the official poster