APRHF 2024 Spring Updates

buy Pregabalin online usa Hello and welcome to springtime. Flowers are planted and mowing season is in full swing here in LaPlata,MO. I know there are usually some updates before now but our lives have changed quite a bit in the last few months. My father fell and ended up in a nursing home for a while and just got to his new home in LaPlata this past week. We also had to move his stuff from his other home in Smithton, MO. This had/has us very distracted and we were simply not able to focus on much beyond critical daily duties and taking care of family. 

With that said, here is a list of what is happening in the APRHF world: 

  1. Working a different angle on trying to get the BNSF and/or the NS to actually have a real conversation with us about the land opportunities around the building that we rent and the old ROW near that piece of land and where the lookout sits. 
  2. The building that houses the archives is going to be rented for another year so we are good to go with that. We have offered each year to the other non-profit that we rent the building from to accept a donation of the building or purchase it for a fair price. This gets delayed due to one of the principal members being in Israel. At least all of our archives are safe. 
  3. Membership cards are still on the list to be worked on. Even a simple task has become a little cumbersome to fit in. We do have the membership list up to date. Please rest assured that your membership is appreciated and we are keeping track of it. 
  4. The Amtrak station improvement funds are still in play for the APRHF and we are going to rebuild a couple more of the old benches for the west side of the platform, work on some of the lights inside and also help with the fund of replacing the flagpole.. 
  5. Let’s talk about the flagpole. There was a fundraiser started via the VRF cam super chats last year by Joel Kidwell. That fundraiser netted us about half of what we need to get the new pole. It is a 20ft pole and is the really nice ones that you see at parks and places of business. We have also got some donations from the website and that has us at the total of $5000.00. We are about $2000.00 away from our goal of $7000 to move this project into the order and install phase. You can donate here to help this project physically move forward. 
  6. There was a Santa Fe caboose that we have had our eye on in Kirksville for many years. Extra track  was built for it when the Amtrak car display track was built in hopes to be able to get it. Sadly we all know what is going on there with the park and of course the caboose came up for sale and is now gone. 🙁
  7. I do thank you all for your continued support and if you are not a member. Please consider joining our group. We would love to have you. We have memberships in all different cost areas. If membership is not for you, please consider a donation to help us keep what we do have going. No matter what insurance and monthly bills need to be paid. There is more information for both of these options via this link
  8. We all wish you a fine day and hope to bring you a much better update later on. Until then we will continue our efforts to keep the APRHF relevant in our community and for our membership. 
  9. The lookout point deck is going to get an update also with new floorboards and railings being installed. It has served us well but everything needs some maintenance and updating. If you would like to donate to this project, we would appreciate it. Just use the general donation option for this one. Now matter what is slowing us down, keeping what we have in good repair is a must. If we get enough donations we will get the driveway smoothed and  graveled also. The lookout point is enjoyed by many. The cost for both of these projects is $3000.00. 

We continue to be thankful for what we can do here in LaPlata, MO with the APRHF. We are always happy to see and meet the visitors that come through here all the time. Their smiles and hugs help keep us going. We wish you a good day and Thank You.

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