New Benches for the LaPlata Amtrak Depot

Ust’-Labinsk Each year we are fortunate enough to get some grant funds from the State of Missouri to do little projects at our station. I will admit that we were kind of scratching our heads since the station was recently renovated. Then the lightbulb went off. We need new benches!! The search was on. I think we looked at 15 different styles and they were all boring. We finally found these neat benches that matched the look of the depot.

Fresh out of the box and reeady for placement.

These benches were selected due the fact they were wider than the old ones and their shape matches the profile of our new station awnings over the doors. They are quite nice.

The new benches placed on the main platform area. We kept a couple of the old benches and left them under the station signs. Many people enjoy sitting there also. The new slats are wider and made those benches quite a bit more comfortable. We are glad to be able to receive these grants to help make your experience at the station and in LaPlata a memorable one.

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Duane Lundgren
Duane Lundgren
2 years ago

Very Nice!!!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Duane Lundgren

Thank you Sir.

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