Ex Amtrak MHC Car #2 Will Soon Move to the Park

http://nghomes.com/the-marathon-1976-model Finally got some good weather again!! Yay for that. Car #2 had its preliminary beams and frame set under it in December when LaPlata had some unseasonably nice weather. Winter then showed up, so everything was put on hold. This first week of March had things in full swing again. The best part about all the prep work being done was the car was ready to set on the boots to roll out to the road.

Here is a closeup of the boot on rollers. The master beam is above it and runs down both sides. The roller beam is the lower one.

It sure has been a learning experience and this project has been done. Lots of unique ways to do things. Steel moving steel with steel and cribbing. I will share a few more photos below.

There are four boots on rollers. One on each corner.
Finalizing all the bolt and truck rests before putting the rollers under the boots.
After the ladder is set down. It is time to pull the car toward the road.
Car is now ready to be lifted off the roller beams and set on the dollies.

Exciting is an understatement for this project. These cars started out here with a good idea that worked for a while. Then they got ignored and the ground under them was sinking. This good idea will be even better at their new location. Lots of work to be done of course. We will need hands and money to get them looking like new. The hardest part of the project is almost in our rear view. If you would like to help out this project with a donation you can do that via this link. (Donate here). We hope to be able to paint the cars late this year or early 2023. Interior work will start as soon as they are secure on their new rails. We will also be needing some extra hands to take apart the old display track. Thank you all for sharing in this excitement.

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David Siteman
David Siteman
2 years ago

Great news! Thanks for the update and photos!

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