Where are we on the Web???? Good Question. Here are the Answers.

The APRHF would like to take the time to thank each and everyone of you for your support and help throughout this year. We are working on many things behind the scenes to get geared up for next year. Of course updates will be posted on our site. One thing that we did in the newsletter is put out a list of where to find out about/join us and keep up to date on what is going on. I thought this would also be handy here.

Salta Webpages:
www.aprhf.org This is the main page for Membership/Chapter information. This is also the place to find all the updates of what is happening within the APRHF.

APRHFstore.com This is our hobby shop. We sell model trains, books, DVD’s, posters etc.

APRHF.com A snapshot of the APRHF. A good page to send to a friend that wants a quick review of the APRHF.  This page is under construction. Please use the above APRHF.org page to share.

http://thisisthewilderness.com/portfolio/leaves-of-grass/ Facebook Pages:

American Passenger Rail Heritage Foundation This is a supplement page for APRHF updates etc.

Lets Talk Trains News and fun updates from the world of trains and railroading.

APRHFstore/Silver Rails Gallery This page covers updates from the hobby shop and gallery.


https://www.pinterest.com/aprhf/  This page is not fully set yet. This will be our virtual archives.

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