New Silver Rails Gallery Progress

sidewards Things are finally getting moving for the new location of the Silver Rails Gallery.  As you may know this new location is in the east end of the Silver Rails Event Center. There has already been a wall built to seperate the two entities. And know we are getting the rest of the walls framed in for the gallery area. After the gift shop area was identified and layed out we turned our focus on the ugly silver wall that was built to cover the HVAC system as well as some other surprises.

gift shop
Gift shop layout. The products will be put out later. This is just a “rough layout” for space consideration. The main entry door is just out of view to the right.

Yeah the silver wall is gone!!! The now exposed furnace parts will be used to create and industrial looking display area. It will be a neat functional setup when done.
silver wall

I mentioned a surprise that was hidden by this wall. This hole was a support beam for the garage door that used to be there. A mop was always needed after a good rain. Now we know why. This has been filled with concrete now and we have had no issues.

In the spirit of saving all the money we can. The wood from the silver wall is now the framing for the storage/gallery divider wall. The sheeting will also be reused.
new wall

The booth space will be the study area for the library. The bookshelves will be located to the right and left of the booths. This will no doubt be a comfy study area. We will post more updates as this project progresses. Thank You for your continued support.

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