Let Me Tell You About the Silver Rails Gallery and Memorial Library

Aurogra overnight delivery The Silver Rails Gallery and Memorial Library was opened in 2010.  It was the idea of one of our members. This is the only permanent gallery that is devoted to rail works of art.  Our displays feature paintings, wood carvings, photography and a hand crafted model railroad. Our library also has an extensive collection of railroad books and periodicals. I will cover that in more detail on a later post. The gallery is located in downtown La Plata and is open five days a week from 9 to noon. You may want to call first though in case the gallery curators have been called away to meet clients at another venue we operate. We also welcome tour groups by appointment.

Here are some samples of the works we have in the gallery:

Jackie Hadnot, Wooden Ironhorses

Wooden Ironhorses

Carl Morrison, Modern day Classic Photography

Steam Sun Snow

Chris Jenkins, Oil on Canvas Art


Chris Guenzler, California Living

San Clemente

J.Craig Thorpe, The Painter of Amtrak

Guardian of the Legacy

Nick Smith, Modern Photography


Tony Escarsega, Active Railroader


Will Anderson, Art via Auto Cad


Jim Jordan, Timeless Art

Colorado Silver

Robert Tabern, Author and Photographer

Pointless Arrow

Nathan Chidester, New Orleans Style

New Orleans

Please come and see us. We also have a webstore with prints of all of our art and much more. If you are interested in exhibiting in this gallery please contact us via this website. Thank You.

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Bob Cox
11 years ago

The gallery and library will be closed until next spring. They are moving to a new home. The building we are in is showing signs of structural issues so we are moving everything to the Event Center. This will be a cool project and in the end be a lot easier to maintain, operate and will also allow us to provide a better facility and service to our clients of the Silver Rails Event Center. Stay tuned as we move forward with this project. The online shop for the gallery will continue operating. http://www.silverrailsshop.com

Bob Cox
11 years ago

The gallery will be closed until next spring as we prepare to move it to a new area at the Silver Rails Event Center. This move is because the buildings near the gallery are having structural issues. This move will also provide a better facility/service for our clients at the Event Center. Stay tuned!! We will keep you updated as this project progresses. The online store for the gallery will still be open at http://www.silverrailsshop.com

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