congruently It is that time of year when the APRHF goes out on the road and attends some train shows. At those shows we have all the information that covers what we do and the what you can do when you come to visit Silver Rails Country. We also have everything you need to begin your membership. If you are at a show in the central US. You may see this model railroad by our display. This railroad was built by the APRHF President and Vice President. It tucks neatly in our minivan and is fun to have. The main thing it does is attract attention and gives us a chance to visit with people. If you see us please stop by and say hi. We will be at the Marceline Train Show on May 4th. National Train Day in La Plata on May 11th. After that I will need to check my calendar. Here are some photos of the latest additions to the layout.
Photo #1 New yard addition ready for track and scenery.
Photo #2 Switch add on to one of the original layout tables.
Photo #3 This is another one of the main parts with new trim. The whole railroad got new trim.
Photo #4 Track is laid and we are building the cradle to store and support the other sections. Yes this is in our kitchen.
Photo #5 The base ground cover and scenery is done. Tress and other scenery will be added later.